To initiate your Remote Support session with an Entergy Support Representative, please enter your session key below.
Session keys are unique and only provided by Entergy Support Representatives.
Session Key
Issue Submission
Required field
This system is the property of Entergy and is for the use of authorized users only. Personal use is discouraged, and should be occasional, incidental and infrequent. Individuals using this system waive any expectation of privacy. Use of this system is express consent to monitoring, and users are advised that if unauthorized activities, including but not limited to theft, tampering, misuse, creation or dissemination of malicious software (e.g. computer viruses), destruction, and loss have occurred, appropriate action will be taken, such as disciplinary action up to and including termination. Additionally, the unauthorized activity may be reported to law enforcement officials. Clicking "SUBMIT" or continuing use acknowledges acceptance of the terms of this notice. For further information, refer to the "Communications Systems" policy and the "Electronic Information Security" policy.
The Entergy name and logo are registered service marks of Entergy Corporation and may not be used without the express, written consent of Entergy Corporation.